Budget priorities for FY 2021/22

The priority areas that will receive the bulk of the budget are:

  1. Removing infrastructure constraints in transport and energy to facilitate private sector development as the engine of growth;
  2. Promoting support to the critical productive sectors of the economy including Agriculture, Tourism in order to generate employment and increase production;
  • Improving the quality of social services focusing on education, health and access to water; and
  1. Strengthening Public Sector Management for efficient service delivery.


These priority areas are consistent with government’s development strategy, the objectives of the National Development Plan and the long-term vision of the socio-economic transformation of Uganda.


Areas of priority in budget allocations Allocation in Ush (billion)
FY 2007/08 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13
 Energy infrastructure  211.0
 Thermal power generation  92.0
 Hydropower plants and related infrastructure  119.0
 Transport infrastructure  50.0  1,291  1,651
 Maintenance  35.0
 Completion of road construction projects  15.0
 ICT – National Data Transmission Back Bone  5.0
 Human development  63.0
 Education  24.0  1,418  1,669
 Healthcare  19.0
 Water  20.0  271  355
Agriculture 585.3
 Public service salary reform  30.2
 Local government financing  50.5
 Peace recovery and development of northern Uganda  23.6
 Tackling corruption  16.5
 Youth Venture capital fund 25 3.25
 Graduate Venture Capital Fund 16