How to get involved

Our work is made possible through generous contribution from supporters like you who also believe in our mission of developing Africa’s home-grown solutions to Africa’s public policy challenges. There are a variety of ways you can get involved and make a difference. You may support specific research or training programs, sponsor events, donate a computer, a car, or subscribe to our publications, or make a general charitable contribution in support of IPRA’s mission. To learn more about how you can make a charitable, material or service contribution to IPRA, please contact our Head of Finance and Administration, at

How We Are Funded

Since IPRA inception in 2001, the Institute’s activities have been funded from self-generated funds. Your donation will make us achieve much more in our mission of giving a voice to the voiceless and shaping public debate through our influential analysis. IPRA is compliant with all laws governing non-profits and abides by additional internal standards when considering funding sources. All support benefits programs, events, and activities of the Institute.

Make a Gift Now »

No gift is too small. With your $1 we shall go another 1 mile to tackle the questions that may be too big, too complex, or too new for our policy
makers to address. Your gift to IPRA helps us deliver on our promise of providing independent, in-depth research that leads to pragmatic and
innovative solutions to problems facing African society search for solutions to macroeconomic and policy challenges and to improve lives in Africa.
Please contact Head of Finance and Administration at or +256 414 235 006.