
This paper examines the textile and clothing (T&C) industry in Lesotho to ascertain the initial effects of theend of quotas and other restrictions on global trade in textile and clothing.Results show a dramatic decline in Lesotho’s T&C exports, both in value terms and export share in major markets in industrialised countries: the U.S. and the EU in the aftermath of the Agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC). The export decline for Lesotho and for Sub-Saharan African countries as a group has not been accompanied by simultaneous or rapid shift of increasing T&C exports by Asian developing countries, who continue toexport post-ATC at about the samelevels of textile and clothing that they did before ATC phase out.

Additional information

Published Date

December 2016

JEL Classification

F13, D14, D53, N27

Key words

Agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC), Multifibrearrangement, global textile and clothing exports, quota restrictions, trade remedies, Sub-Saharan Africa, Lesotho

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